There is no doubt. Despite its insular appearance, the Camargue delta is far from being isolated. In the north-west of its territory, part of the department of the Gard and the south of the department of Hérault claim the Camargue culture. This sense of belonging is expressed by a strong attachment to traditions. The landscapes are shaped in the continuity of the Grande Camargue.

People meet at bull fights and carry the passion far beyond the borders of the delta. The bull has grown its horns there too and influences local life. Manades, festivals and bullfighting games punctuate the year.

Course camarguaise aux Saintes-Maries-de-la-mer

Every year, during the Trophée des As the best raseteurs compete in Camargue races in the arenas of different towns. At the beginning of July, the final race takes place alternately in the arenas of Nîmes and Arles.

For cyclists, the partners of the departments of Bouches-du-Rhône, Gard and Hérault offer the guide “En roue libre” to discover the vast expanses and the landscapes of the Camargue.